Christian Cooper

Portrait of Christian in Beit Quad
Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

Hi, I’m Christian, your Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) this year! 

My role involves supporting and representing all the Clubs, Societies and Projects (CSPs) at Imperial College, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to create a fun, rewarding, and inclusive environment for all students! 

Before becoming DPCS in 2023, I represented sports clubs as the Sports Chair and Sports Treasurer for two years, responsible for representing the interests of our sports clubs as well as organising the infamous ACC sports nights! 


A bit more about me

I grew up in Newcastle and moved to London at 18 to study at Imperial, though sadly I’ve lost the Geordie accent! Since moving here I’ve played Hockey for Imperial College Hockey Club – one of the reasons I initially became involved with the Union. 

In my spare time, I love to run and I relax by playing the piano, which I have done since the age of seven! 


Why Imperial?

My favourite thing about Imperial is how diverse the student community is, and how much there is to get involved in, from playing sports to performing in a musical, there’s something for everyone! 


My 2024/25 goals.

  • Develop the CSP Sustainability Framework to ensure that all CSPs can strive towards sustainability and be rewarded for doing so. 

  • Expand the Student Experience Fund to ensure that as many students as possible can access it. 

  • Improve committee support and the volunteering experience through improved training, response times, and support. 

  • Review and improve funding opportunities and the annual budgeting process for all CSPs. 


Get in touch.

Email me

Read my blog posts