Start something new

Are you wondering whether you should start a new group? If so, here are more reasons why you should.

What are the benefits of starting a new group?

Creating and leading a new group can be one of the most rewarding things you do throughout your student journey, not only because it can help you in lots of ways, but it can also help others.

Here are only a few of the many reasons as to why it is good to take on this challenge:

  • You will gain invaluable skills that employers are looking for
  • You will meet likeminded individuals who can become your friends
  • You support others to build a community and find a sense of belonging
  • The activities you deliver will support students to advance their academic development

There are many different types of student groups you can create!

Sports club – a physical activity with the potential to compete, or a recognised sport by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). At the point of application, the Union will review whether it is appropriate for sports clubs to be part of the Imperial athletes community.

Society – the majority of our student groups are called societies. These vary widely from faculty and departmental societies, to arts or cultural groups, and many more. Where it is clear that a group is not a sports club or student-led project, they will be labelled as a society.

We also have other student community groups at Imperial that have a different purpose within the Imperial Community that fall under the category of representation. You can find out more about campaign groups and Liberation networks by emailing the Representation team at

If you are interested in starting a Club or Society, you can follow the new activities application process which is led by the Activities team.