OA18: Team Management

Wednesday 20 June 2018 10:00 - 12:00
Union Building, Beit Quad (South Kensington Campus)
Training | Union
Before signing up ensure you have registered for Officer Academy
    This interactive workshop will help you develop, manage and lead teams effectively. We’ll discuss:
    • What contributes to an effective team?
    • Motivational theory and how it can be applied to team contexts to ensure effective outcomes.
    • Understand the causes of team conflict and review strategies to overcome conflict.
    • The value of diversity within teams, and understand the importance of using team members skillsets effectively.
    This workshop is beneficial for Presidents, Club Captains, Secretaries, and individuals who lead or manage groups of people and want to get the most out of those people in an effective manner. Equally, this workshop will be helpful to anyone in any setting as you develop your skills through a global mindset and work with people in different settings.