Postgraduate Representatives

There are four types of postgraduate academic representatives, each elected during the academic year by the cohort they represent:

Academic & Welfare Officers (AWOs)
AWOs work on the Faculty level, and attend senior Graduate School committees for teaching quality, professional development and the approval of new courses. They manage the postgraduate Departmental Representatives in their Faculty. AWOs are also members of the Graduate Students' Union (GSU) Exec, the postgraduate arm of Imperial College Union.

Departmental Representatives
Every department has at least one 'Dep Rep', who attends the staff-student committee for their department and manages their Course Reps and PhD Reps.

Group Reps
Each department divides its postgraduate research activity into broad subject areas; Imperial College Union aims to have a representative for each of these areas.

Course Reps
There are over 120 Master's course at Imperial College, and we aim to have an elected representative for each one.


You can download this Handbook as a PDF here,and the presentation from the training here.