Foundation Skills in Surgery (FSS) 2021

Saturday 13 February 2021 09:00 - 17:00
Guest Lecture | Surgical
Register your interest here, before it's fully booked (LIMITED spaces): Certificate of Course Completion provided. Our flagship Surgical Skills Day is here, and this year it’s FREE! If you’re an aspiring surgeon (at any stage of your career), you do NOT want to miss this! Imperial College London’s Surgical Society, on behalf of our patrons Lord Ara Darzi and Professor Kenneth D. Boffard, would like to invite you to this year’s highly anticipated surgical skills day – Foundation Skills in Surgery 2021! Through a futuristic virtual platform, we will cover all the basic surgical skills you need to perfect in order to stand out from the crowd as an aspiring surgeon. FSS will bring talks from industry leading surgeons and practical workshops delivered by highly experienced and competent surgical trainees which you can emulate, if you wish, from the comfort of your own home/lab space. We are proud to announce a stellar panel of speakers and workshops* -Mr David Nott OBE OStJ FRCS (Surgery in a Hostile Environment) -Dr Ankur Khajuria (How to ACE a Surgical Application) -Mr Mathew Hyde (Surgical Tools) -Theatre Etiquette -Excision of lesion, surgical suturing and surgical hand-tying -Repair of torn tendon -Surgical anastomosis For regular announcements follow our bespoke Instagram page: *DISCLAIMER: the organisers reserve the right to adjust the event at their discretion.