In Conversation with David Lammy

Tuesday 22 October 2019 19:30 - 21:00
Great Hall, Imperial College London
Union Events | Union
As part of Imperial College’s Black History Month David Lammy will be joining us for an In Conversation talk, discussing diversity in Higher Education, the Black Attainment Gap and the effects of the term ‘Imperial’ at Imperial College London. This talk will last 1 hour, with 40 minutes of In Conversation and 20 minutes of questions from the floor. David Lammy is a well-known advocate of social activism, diversity and multi-culturalism, his current position as an active backbench MP has enabled him to engage in his passion for tackling the big issues facing society (on a macro and micro scale). David was also previously been the Minister for High Education and has been vocal in condemning the University of Oxford for admitting relatively few black students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Programme 19:30 – Doors 20:00 – Start 21:00 – Close Have a question for David? Submit it here. To register, please follow the link to the Eventbrite This event has been coordinated by Imperial College Union in partnership with Imperial College's African Carribean Society