Rebranding Kick Off

Tuesday 25 June 2019 11:30 - 12:30
Union Building, Meeting Room 3
Sport | Union
One of the key pledges within the Be Active Strategy was to create a new identity for the newly formed “Sports Hub”. The aim is for the sports hub to be connected with its own brand and name that will represent the College in competitive sport environments and it will be the outward facing element of sport at Imperial. With the launch coming soon and this impacting the sports clubs, we need your input on the identity of this federation. We want to hear your views on how you want the “Sports Hub” brand to look, as well as hearing your thoughts on how you feel represented at the College currently. Refreshments will be provided for everyone who attends!
We are inviting up to two representatives from each club to come along to workshops hosted by an external agency so that you can share your thoughts, views and ideas for the future of the sports hub and how you want to represent the College in the future