Choreographer Speed-dating for DI Show 2018

Sunday 19 November 2017 18:00 - 19:00
Union Dining Hall
Music, Drama & Dance | Dance Imperial
Calling all choreographers or creative people! Dance Imperial is organising a light event where choreographers from all dance societies and dance styles are able to meet others for any collaborative pieces they wish to create for the show in March. There is little commitment involved as even the craziest of ideas will still be kept for future shows, and of course there is no pressure, just come and spread potential ideas! In case you weren’t aware DI puts on a showcase each year in the spring term giving all 6 societies a chance to perform. The last three years have been absolute sellouts! The provisional performance dates are: Thursday 15th March, Friday 16th March and Saturday 178th March. We are now looking for your help! In the show we have several collaboration pieces between the societies. We are looking for choreographers who are keen to combine two or more styles. To give you some ideas in previous years there have been: a contemporary/breaking collaboration, ballet/contemporary/pole collab and a hiphop/commerical/jazz/pole collab. It is great fun and a chance to branch out and do something different, with the final result being on stage! Remember our 6 affiliates are: Imperial College Dance Club, Imperial Dance Company, ICSM Dance, FuNkoLoGy, Imperial College Belly Dance & ICU Pole & Aerial Society do contact them if you have an idea!