Project Nepal Induction Session

Friday 9 October 2015 18:00 - 19:00
Huxley LT 711C
Volunteering | Project Nepal
Interested in volunteering abroad? Come to our induction session to find out more about our society and about our project in Nepal. You will have the opportunity to meet our committee members as well as former project leaders to have a clearer idea of how our society is run and what kinds of events there are for you to engage with Project Nepal. Don't worry, no need to be a specialist in Nepali or know every single bit of a fundraising procedure to be part of the community, just be motivated!! We will be presenting: - What we're all about - What we do in Nepal - Info about Maya Universe Academy - What we do throughout the year - Some details on the 2016 Project - Rough costs for volunteers - Requirements to come on the expedition. Namaste !