Punjabi Society
Punjabi Society
Punjabi Society
Punjabi Society- Free Bhangra Lesson!

Thursday 8 October 2015 18:30 - 20:30
EEE 509
Give it a Go | Union
"Bhangra is an uplifting, traditional folk dance originating from the Punjab, India. It is an expression of happiness and joy, through dance. If 'screw the light bulb and pat the dog' is the only move you currently know, this event is for you! Come and learn a few simple moves so you can truly own the dance floor when that one guaranteed bhangra track is played at every night out! This free bhangra lesson is open to those of all abilities - whether you consider yourself a beginner or a pro. We have some of Imperial's most experienced dancers at hand to teach you from the basics. The IC Bhangra Team has performed at events all over the country and also performs at The Bhangra Showdown, the UK's biggest student show, which they won this year! To be a part of this special experience, bhangra lessons are the best place to start! Most importantly we look to have fun every time we dance and perform! Please remember to wear appropriate clothing (tracksuit bottoms, trainers etc...) and to bring a bottle of water - it's thirsty work! If you can't make our first session, then come along to our next one which will be held every Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can sign up to our mailing list for updates at icu-punjabi-society@imperial.ac.uk"