Finance & Funding


Due to the amount of information associated with running your CSP finances successfully, we hold training pages in eActivities to guide you through our financial processes. Through the link below, you can view all information on CSP Expenditure, Income, Transfers and all Union Finance Processes. Please visit the landing page below to view all information pages. 

Finance & Funding | eActivities ( 

Have a look below for key information for your CSP on income & expenditure. 

Funding Opportunities 

  • Fundraising and Sponsorship:

    You can find out all about the processes for Clubs and Societies to fundraise and gain sponsorship on the support page linked below 

    Fundraising & Sponsorship | Imperial College Union 

  • Funding:

    Imperial College Union have the following funding pots that CSP’s can apply for funding. Each funding pot has a different criteria and policy. You can read more about each individual funding pot on the relevant support pages  

    ALL FUNDING APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED - THEY WILL REOPEN FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 24/25. Information on the application will be located on SUMS. Please visit the student dashboard for information when then launch.

    • Activity Development Fund 
    • Trips Fund 
    • Harlington fund