Imperial College Union is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its members, staff, customers, suppliers, visitors, and all others who may be affected by its activities and recognises its responsibility under the following legislation:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Road Traffic Act 1991
Road Safety Act 2006
The Highway Codes, road safety and vehicle rules (
And will manage, so far as is reasonably practicable, the risks associated with work-related driving activities falling under its control in such a way as to reduce the risks to drivers and other people potentially affected by work-related driving activities to a tolerable level.
1. Definitions
Work–related driving: Any driving activity that is undertaken for or on behalf of the Union by an employee or student. This definition excludes an employee’s normal daily commute between their home and their normal contractual place of work.
Occupational Driver: Any employee or student that carries out work-related driving for, or on behalf of, the Union in a Union vehicle.
Union Vehicle: Any vehicle that is owned, leased or hired by the Union.
Private Vehicle: Any vehicle used by an employee or student for Union business which is not owned, leased or hired by the Union.
Minibus: A vehicle that can carry between 9-16 passengers (inclusive) at any one time in addition to the driver.
It is Union's Policy to:
Promoting the use of public transport where this is practical;
Assessing significant risks associated with work-related driving activities and implementing control measures to reduce these risks to a tolerable level;
Only allowing people with the necessary competence, who have undertaken the Unions Approved Driver process to drive;
Supporting people who drive their own vehicles to do so legally by the provision and signposting of relevant advice and guidance;
Managing Union owned and leased vehicles to ensure that these are kept in an efficient and effective working condition in accordance with any statutory requirements. Where vehicles fail to meet this standard, they will be taken out of use until such times as any defects are remedied;
Prohibit the use of hand-held mobile phones by occupational drivers when they are carrying out driving activities;
Discourage the use of hands-free communication devices whilst occupational drivers when carrying out driving;
Providing advice and guidance to drivers to meet the legal responsibilities placed on them by relevant legislation;
2. Responsibilities
ICU Board of Trustees
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a statutory duty on organisations to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety, health, and welfare of its employees at work and other people who may be affected by their activities, e.g., membership, volunteers, members of the public.
The Board of Trustees, as the governing body of the Union, has overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety matters within the Union, and for ensuring that Health and Safety legislation is complied with.
Managing Director (MD)
The Trustee Board has devolved day-to-day responsibility for Health, Safety and Welfare to the Managing Director.
The MD, and those acting on their behalf, will ensure:
Ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to achieve compliance with the policy;
MD delegates responsibility for undertaking aspects of these duties through line management & identified roles.
Senior Leadership Team
The Managing Director will delegate to the membership of the leadership team the following responsibility:
Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of Health and Safety activities and the Union's Health and Safety Policy and associated policies and procedures, and for ensuring that, at the strategic level, performance standards and timescales are adhered to;
Chairing the Students' Union's Health and Safety Committee and ensuring it has the time, facilities and resources to carry out its business effectively;
Keeping under review this Health and Safety Policy and the Health and Safety performance of the Students' Union.
Imperial College Union Line Managers & Facilities, Health and Safety Manger (FHSM)
Health and Safety is a delegated line management responsibility requiring managers to undertake operational Health and Safety duties identified in this policy. Imperial College Union Line Managers to undertake the following:
Ensuring that departmental activities are conducted in accordance with Union policy, legislative, and other formal standards and that those hazards having the potential to cause harm are risk assessed and identified controls are implemented;
Ensuring that employees receive sufficient information, training and supervision on Health and Safety matters;
Union approved drivers must hold the necessary licences, training and qualifications to drive Union owned or leased vehicles. Where a driver discloses that their licence has been revoked, suspended or withdrawn for any reason or discloses that they are not medically fit to drive then they must be removed from the Unions Approved Drivers list;
Ensuring that risk assessments work-related driving risks are carried out and identified control measures are implemented. This could include promoting the use of alternative forms of transport, providing approved drivers with any necessary training, supervision and equipment in order to reduce significant risks to a tolerable level;
Driving risk assessments are monitored and updated as necessary;
Ensuring that suitable insurance is always in place.
ICU Employees are required to:
Individual members of staff, students and visitors have a legal duty to co-operate and comply at all times with the ICU Health and Safety Policy, instruction and training provided. Staff and students are responsible for:
Cooperate and enable implementation of this policy;
Comply with local risk assessment and systems relating to driving activities;
Consider the use of public transport in preference to using their own vehicle or Union or leased vehicle when travelling on Union business;
Are medically fit to drive and meet the vision standards required to drive ;
Hold the appropriate license, training or other qualification for the vehicle that they will be required to drive;
Have a valid Ministry of Transport (M.O.T.) certificate, where applicable, and the necessary “business use” insurance if they are using a non-Union owned or leased vehicle for Union business;
Comply with any statutory requirements placed on them by road safety or other legislation including the wearing of seatbelts, not using hand-held mobile phones whilst driving and not smoking in Union vehicles;
Report any accidents or incidents that they are involved in when driving on Union business;
Carry out appropriate user checks of Union vehicles prior to driving on Union business;
Inform Activities Department of any vehicular faults that they identify as a result of their user checks. If as a result of any user check a vehicle is considered to be unsafe, then it must not be driven on Union business.
Imperial College Union - Student Led Groups
This policy applies to all Imperial College Union - Student Led Groups have a legal duty to co-operate and always comply with the ICU Health and Safety Policy, instruction and training provided. Student Led groups are responsible for:
Cooperate and enable implementation of this policy;
Comply with local risk assessment and systems relating to driving activities;
Consider the use of public transport in preference to using their own vehicle or Union or leased vehicle when travelling on Union business;
Are medically fit to drive and meet the vision standards required to drive;
Hold the appropriate license, training or other qualification for the vehicle that they will be required to drive;
Have a valid Ministry of Transport (M.O.T.) certificate, where applicable, and the necessary “business use” insurance if they are using a non-Union owned or leased vehicle for Union business;
Comply with any statutory requirements placed on them by road safety or other legislation including the wearing of seatbelts, not using hand-held mobile phones whilst driving and not smoking in Union vehicles;
Report any accidents or incidents that they are involved in when driving on Union business;
Carry out appropriate user checks of Union vehicles prior to driving on Union business;
Inform Activities Department of any vehicular faults that they identify as a result of their user checks. If as a result of any user check a vehicle is considered to be unsafe, then it must not be driven on Union business.
Imperial College London
The Students' Union, whilst an independent charity in its own right, is an integral part of the Imperial College community and could not exist without the College. The Union and College work in partnership to ensure that adequate measures are in place to ensure health, safety, and welfare within the Union. The Union is committed to working with the Imperial College London Safety department and where appropriate, ensuring that the Union's Health and Safety Policy, Codes of Practice and arrangements are in accordance with the College Health and Safety Policy, Codes of Practice, and arrangements.
The Union is in an unusual position in that whilst colleagues work directly for the Students' Union their contracts of employment are with the College. Whilst the Union accepts its duty of care and responsibilities, the College also has a duty to ensure, and support, the safe management and operation of the Students' Union.
Further Information
- Safer Driving at Work – ROSPA
- Driving for Work - ROSPA
- The law and mobile phones
- Driving for Work – HSE
Review date: March 2025