From time to time you will experience problems with your finances. We can help with some of the most common issues.
Dealing with Creditors
- Writing a Hold Letter to your creditor, which essentially means that we'll be asking for time to pay your debt
- Drawing up a financial budget sheet
Debt Relief Options
- Bankruptcy
- Debt management plans
- Debt relief orders
- Individual voluntary arrangements
- Administration orders
- Debt remedy tool
- How to save money? 101 great ways to get you started!
Creditor Harassment
- We can help you report unlawful behavior to the financial governing bodies
- Check whether your credit agreement is enforceable
- Help to suspend bailiff action
- Advise on how to deal with court action
Deal with Priority & Non-Priority Debt
- Priority - we can advise on how to pay your rent and council tax
- Non-Priority - we can advise on how to pay your credit cards and non secured loans
- For additional advice and practical help in contacting creditors and re-negotiating your debt payment, click here.