If your CSP holds regular meetings, training sessions, rehearsals or other in-person activity, and requires space for these activities, then you will need to place an annual room booking. Activities or events taking place on a less frequent basis are not suitable for this type of room booking and should be submitted as Ad Hoc Bookings. Below outlines the steps each group should take to complete an annual booking request.
Annual Room Booking Process
Step 1 - Review
Step 1: The committee should review the activities they delivered last year and the bookings they had. They should then plan activity they wish to deliver for this year.
Step 2 - Check Our Spaces
Step 2: We advise each group to take a look at all spaces available for bookings. This is a comprehensive list of all spaces we can book in the union and college buildings.
Step 3 - What Do You need?
Step 3: The committee should agree on the activities and spaces the group should book, as well as times. Only one of your committee should submit the request - we'll process your latest submission.
Step 4 - Read our Ts & Cs
Step 4: Ensure you have read the Union's room bookings terms and conditions as these apply to all room bookings made by a CSP including Annual Room Bookings. If you are booking any college spaces we also need you to read the college's room booking policy.
Step 5 - Submit an Annual Room Booking Request Form
Step 5: Fill in and Submit your groups Annual Room Booking Request Form (closes 16th August 2024 17:00pm BST).
Timeline & Deadlines
- 2nd August 2024: Annual room bookings form opens for request
- 16th August 2024: Deadline for request forms
- 30th August 2024: Room allocations communicated to student groups
- 6th September 2024: Ad-hoc room bookings form launched for one-off room bookings
- 7th October 2024: Annual room bookings start from this date
What is an annual room booking?
An annual room booking is a booking for a single room that repeats on the same day/time each week throughout the Autumn/Spring term. This type of booking gives your CSP a regular meeting point for a fixed activity that is at the core of your CSP’s activity.
Who can make an annual room booking?
The form is open to all committee members to complete, however we will only process one per CSP. As your CSP can only submit one form – please coordinate with your committee members as to who will complete the form on behalf of your club, society or project.
How do I submit an annual room booking?
Annual room bookings can be placed via the Annual Room Booking form. This year (2024-2025), the annual room booking form will be sent out to all CSP Committee members on Friday 2nd August.
Which rooms are bookable?
The Student Union offers all its rooms in the Union Building (Beit Quad) for CSP use between 8am and 11pm. We also have limited rooms available to us in the Colleges, but these rooms are typically available to us from 6pm- 11pm on weekdays and 8am-11pm on weekends.
For a full list of bookable spaces please see: Bookable Spaces
How many annual room bookings can I place?
- Each CSP can place up to 12 hours of room bookings per week.
- Room bookings are allocated in 4-HOUR SLOTS ONLY
- Please only submit bookings that you need to facilitate your weekly student activity – you do not need to enter 14 hours' worth of room bookings if you only train/meet/rehearse twice per week.
- Any other activity not included in your proposed annual activity can be booked via our Ad-Hoc room booking process.
How do you prioritise who gets given what spaces?
We have a room bookings policy which outlines the process we take to prioritise annual booking requests.
When do annual room bookings begin?
Week 2 (week commencing: 7th October)
Why are all of my room booking allocations unavailable in weeks 13, 14, 29 & 30?
During week’s 13 and 14 we have a college closure. This is for the Christmas break, and you will be unable to access your space within these weeks. Likewise, the college is closed for Easter break in weeks 29 and 30.
When does the annual room booking allocation end?
22nd March 2025 - inline with the end of spring term.
How do I check my bookings are in the system correctly or space availability?
To check a booking or to check the availability of a room please see the following live calendar on Imperial college's timetabling system (Celcat):
Celcat Calendar LIVEThis is a live calendar and holds all bookings made by the Union, the colleges and its departments. If something doesn’t look right regarding your booking, please get in touch with activities@ic.ac.uk or attend a drop-in session. If your booking is incorrect on the live calendar we will need to amend it. It is your responsibility to check that your bookings are correct on Celcat.
To check a specific room you will need to search the rooms correct Celcat name. Please see the following list for the names of the spaces you have booked:
Bookable Spaces & Times Available -
How to cancel a confirmed room booking?
Please either respond to your annual allocation email or email activities@imperial.ac.uk