Diversity, Inclusion, Liberation

Women, BME, LGBT, Disabled, International

Until we speak for everyone.

Imperial College Union is the voice for students - your voice to College, to London, and to the world. We want to make sure that when we speak on behalf of students we reflect the views of our diverse and varied membership.

Two of our core values are to be democratic and to be inclusive. To live up to these values, we must ensure that student democracy is open and accessible to all students, regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, disabilities, or any other protected characteristic.

To make this vision a reality, we are having a conversation with our members - with you - about students' experiences of our democracy, campaigns and activities.

This project, Diversity, Inclusion, Liberation, will explore how students - particularly those who identify into one or more of the above groups - take part in Imperial College Union activities, and how effectively we empower them to speak and campaign on behalf of their peers.

We'll be looking at the following aspects of Imperial College Union:

  • Student Leadership - Officer Trustees and the hundreds of students who lead student groups
  • Union Council, and the student committees that support it
  • The Big Elections, Summer Elections and Rep Elections
  • Clubs, Societies & Projects
  • The Academic Representation Network
  • Liberation Officers and Student Campaigners
  • Our Social Enterprises - the Union's bars, venues and shops.

We want to hear from you.

Click here to take our survey and give us your views.

Do you identify into one or more of the above groups?

Your opinions and experiences will be invaluable to us. You can take part in Diversity, Inclusion, Liberation in a number of ways, including sending us your experiences or offering your time to be interviewed.

What we'll do with our research

We'll produce a Diversity, Inclusion, Liberation Report, which will challenge all of our student officers and staff with a series of recommendations and findings about how we currently stand. These recommendations will be given to specific members of staff or student officers, with a clear deadline and a definition of success or failure.

Six and twelve months from now, we will measure our success against these recommendations, in order to be accountable to you - our members.