Belly Fit

Wednesday 3 February 2021 13:00 - Wednesday 3 March 2021 14:00
Sport | Dance - Belly Dancing

Want a reason to work-out during lockdown? Interested in Belly Dance, but not sure what it is all about? If so, Belly Fit is the class for you. Join us fortnightly on Wednesdays, starting on the 20th January! Purchase your class pass here

In these classes, guided by the lovely Charlotte Rapley, you will take part in a 60 minute HIIT workout intertwined with some basic belly dancing moves. The perfect way to get your brain started before a day of learning!

Classes are on Zoom. We will send you the link to this 15 minutes before the lesson is due to start.

Classes are £3 for society members and £5 for everyone else! We hope to see you there!