Free Trial January

Tuesday 26 January 2021 18:00 - Wednesday 27 January 2021 19:00
Music, Drama & Dance | Dance - Belly Dancing

With the new term approaching and restrictions on club and society activities in place, it’s now more important than ever to keep active and socialising by virtual means, so why not give belly dancing a go?

We’re offering a FREE FIRST CLASS in novice friendly Beginners Cabaret and Fusion. These are both taught through zoom in a novice-friendly way, so even if you missed out on them last term, you won't be left behind - it's never too late to get started!

Classes start on the week beginning 11th January!

  1. Beginners Cabaret - Tuesdays 18:00
  2. Fusion - Wednesdays 19:00

To get access to your free session, please sign up below or email us ( with the class you would like to attend.

If you already know you're ready to join our classes this term, class passes are available to buy on our union shop!