Anxiety, Stress, Worry? A 'Personal Resilience Skills' Taster Session

Wednesday 20 March 2019 14:30 - 15:15
Electrical & Electronic Engingeering Room 509 (EEE 509)
Campaigns | Union
This taster session introduces some simple, practical techniques for understanding and dealing with stressful situations, anxiety and worry typical for students studying at Imperial, such as dealing with academic deadlines, workload and exams (UG, PGT & PGR), and other personal issues. Highly interactive, you will by the end of this short session have some simple tools at your disposal to help you re-frame your approach to learning (and life), so you can enjoy your studies, be less focused on the outcomes, more resilient in the future, and able to really relax! And all in 45 minutes! The session is delivered by Bill Sheate from Imagination Therapy, a private therapist specialising in anxiety and stress in higher education. He knows Imperial well and has pioneered personal resilience skills training across a wide range of Imperial College departments - in FoNS, FoEng, and the Business School.
Join this interactive workshop and take away tools that will help you be more resilient!