1st Symposium of Research for Latin-America

Wednesday 7 February 2018 09:00 - Thursday 8 February 2018 16:30
Royal School of Mines
International Imperial | Latin-American
Our society is organising the 1st Symposium: Researchers for Latin America “Shaping the Future of Latin America”, to be held on the 7th and 8th of February 2018 at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College. The purpose of the symposium is to present UK based research that directly impacts the development and future of Latin America. The main goal is to communicate relevant scientific advances developed in the UK by researchers from Latin America and other nations, focussing on the applicability and impact of the research. This symposium will position the Latin American Society as a forum for scientific and political discussion, enabling academic and industrial networking. We will host presentations by postgraduate students and senior researchers, as well as political authorities, such as Embassy representatives and staff from science related institutions. More info at bit.ly/R4LA_symposium