Thursday 7 December 2017 17:00 - 20:00
Flowers Rm G47B
Give it a Go | KnitSock
Knitting is not just for old people - that's just absurd. Knitting is clinically proven to reduce all major forms of stress caused by Imperial*. Plus you'll never have to buy Christmas presents ever again - who doesn't want to get hand-knitted socks? Come on down to one of our sessions to learn how to knit a snazzy miniature hat like on innocent smoothie bottles. No prior experience required. For more experienced knitters we'll also be knitting larger items like scarves and jumpers. So come and try try Knitsock today, we're sure to have some socials GO DOWWN. If you are uncertain how to get to the meeting place, just let us know ( or follow us on Facebook - Imperial College Knitsock).