PG Reps: Canvassing, Communities & Cohorts (Faculty of Engineering)

Tuesday 28 November 2017 13:15 - 14:45
Gabor Seminar Room 611 (EE)
Training | Union

Postgraduate Representatives have a great opportunity to impact positively on the departmental community and so enhance representation.

This interactive talk provides you with information regarding canvassing student views, a key part of their role as representatives. It also highlights opportunities and information to assist them in organising activities and courses for cohorts of students and in gaining funding for PhD cohort activities to build sustainable supportive communities. Communities that interact positively enhance representation!

This session is recommended by Faculties for all post graduate representatives.

On completion of this talk and with the post course materials, you should be better able to:

  • Recognise your role in representing student views
  • Outline how to gather student views (canvas)
  • Identify your role as representatives in strengthening communities
  • Assess opportunities and strategies to improve your PG communities
  • Devise opportunities for cohort building
<p><b>This session is recommended by Faculties for all post graduate representatives.</b></p>