Give-it-a-go @ Connect

Wednesday 15 February 2017 18:30 - 20:00
Charing Cross Hospital (meet up: sofas in Reynolds Building)
Volunteering | Connect
Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are so harmful to our health that it can have the same effect on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Patients who are particularly vulnerable to this, and who are accordingly the main focus of Connect, are the elderly since they do not have many loved ones to visit them. Connect aims to provide a supportive social network for elderly inpatients that helps them emotionally and provides mental stimulation. Volunteers go in once a fortnight for 2 hours to spend some time keeping those patients company and listen to their stories. Connect has a rota running for most days of the fortnight, so volunteering is very flexible. There is no preparation required, as you will have an experienced team leader on the day who will brief you on what needs to be done. Proper induction will be provided for long-term volunteers.
Give Connect a go!