Close of Nominations

Sunday 1 March 2015 23:45
Imperial College
Leadership Elections | Union

At 23:59 on Sunday 1 March, nominations will close for the Big Elections 2015!

The Big Elections are your chance to be part of the future of Imperial College Union. Open to all students - whether Undergraduate or Postgraduate - the following positions are available:

  • Full-Time Positions - Officer Trustees, Felix Editor and ICSMSU President
  • Liberation Officers
  • Student Trustees and Council Chair
  • Constituent Union Executives - City &Guilds College Union (CGCU), Royal College of Science Union (RCSU), Royal School of Mines Union (RSMU), and President of the Graduate Students' Union (GSU).
  • Departmental Representatives
  • Departmental Society Committees
  • Committees of the largest Clubs, Societies & Projects at Imperial

If you want to run for a position in the Big Elections 2015, nominate yourself before this day!

Click here for more about the Big Elections 2015.

<p>The Big Elections 2015 are your chance to choose the next generation of student leaders at Imperial</p> <p>Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 1 March. What position will you run for?</p>