October Show 2021

Friday 15 October 2021 19:00 - 21:30
Union Concert Hall, Beit Quad
Music, Drama & Dance | DramSoc
DramSoc and MT Soc are proud to announce that October Show is back after a 2 year break!

AN ANGEL IN ISLINGTON HAS BEEN POSTPONED! MORTEMAX IS STILL GOING AHEAD! If you are buying a ticket, you will automatically be given entry to the postponed DramSoc performance as well. Follow us on Instagram @icu_dramsoc and Facebook /dramsoc for more infor and to stay up to date.

Come along for an evening of drama and laughter and experience what DramSoc and MTSoc have to offer! The first half is An Angel in Islington - an original comedy about an angel that comes down to earth to fix an embarrassing mistake before it's too late - performed by DramSoc, followed by an interval. The second half of the show is an original musical - Mortemax - performed by MTSoc in which a child, who so happens to be able to speak to dead people, goes on a journey full of surprises to get a last final chat with their recently departed father.

This year we have three show nights: Wednesday 13th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th October. Doors open at 19:00 and show starts at 19:30.

Tickets are available on the Union shop or at dramsoc.org/shop.

If buying a student ticket, don't forget to bring valid student ID with you.