Dr Sohag Saleh

The winner of the 2013 Student Academic Choice Award for Best Tutoring was Dr Sohag Saleh of the Faculty of Medicine.


I have been working in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College for just over three years now and I am mostly involved in teaching pharmacology to students within this department. My own personal research background has focussed on the electrophysiological properties of excitable cells (e.g. neurones & muscle), so I am very comfortable with both physiology and pharmacology from the cellular level to the systems level.

"Even when inconvenient for himself, he'll go out his way to help"

Reaction to winning a SACA:

"Although I was originally unaware about the existence of these awards, when I realised that this was a university-wide affair based on student votes, I was a bit overwhelmed to have even been nominated. I definitely don’t consider myself to be the ‘best tutor’ but I am extremely flattered that my tutees would place me in this category. I just hope that I can live up to this accolade, although I am slightly suspicious that my tutees only did this so that they could get me to do more things for them… and it worked!"

Quotations from Dr Saleh's nominations:

“An extremely helpful personal tutor. Always replies quickly and makes time to help you when in need even when inconvenient for himself, he'll go out his way to help. Having been involved in a complicated personal issue, he offered his support and care to help my student life at Imperial easier, when I wanted to leave and made me have a more positive outlook in life. He also motivated me into working harder and has provided incredibly useful tips and learning aids which has contributed into improving my grades. Dr Saleh is an extremely selfless person, who is willing to dedicate his time and care into helping students even those that aren't his personal tutees and makes you feel at ease into telling him any problems.”