We have a process for all clubs, societies and projects needing to adapt or evolve your committee to suit the ever changing university environment. Committee Structure Changes are there for your committee to create new roles or adapting existing positions.
These changes must be justified and warranted with the priority purpose of improving your membership experience.
What do I need to do before submitting a committee change?
Step 1 - What changes do you want to make and why?
It's important to discuss any changes you think necessary with your wider committee members. By holding a committee meeting, you can plan what's missing from your officer roles and outline a role description for your new/adapted position.
All Clubs, Societies and Projects must contain the three principal committee roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Step 2 - Hold a General Meeting with your members
Any changes you are proposing to your committee and constitution must be approved by your membership. This can be communicated through an Annual/Extraordinary General Meeting (AGM/EGM).
Alternatively, you can approve these changes by collecting approval through emails or via a unanimous committee vote. We encourage running the meeting to consult your wider membership.
Step 3 - Log in to eActivities to Documentation
To start a new request, log in to eActivities and navigate to: Administration > Clubs Societies & Projects > Documentation
Open the ‘Constitution & Committee’ pink tab. This should redirect you to the ‘New Submission’ tab by default.
How to submit a change?
All committee structure changes must be submitted through your eActivities account by a principal committee officer (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer). The process of submitting the committee change is explained in detail below.
Step 1- Submitting your Committee Change Request
Once you’ve started a request, there are a number of fields you must complete, as detailed below.
The compulsory request fields are as follows:
- Committee: The CSP you are making changes to. This is automatically populated based on the role you are in, so you won’t need to change anything here.
- Summary of Changes: You should fill this in with a brief description of the changes you are making, such as ‘Add new Social Secretary position’ or ‘Update role descriptions for entire committee’. Try to keep this summary concise.
- Date of CSP general meeting where approved: All changes must be approved by the CSP at a general meeting. You can start a request before having this meeting, but you must hold this meeting and record the date here before committing the request.
- Date of MG meeting where approved: This field will be completed by the Management Group. This will be held during term time.
- Additional Notes: Use this to convey any extra details the Management Group may need when approving the request, or to record the rationale for the changes being made to help future committee members understand why the changes were made when viewing historical requests.
Step 2 - Update Tabs
The tabs for updating the positions are as follows:
- Positions List: This lists all Current, Inactive, and New positions for your committee, showing both the Original and Newly updated information for the positions and any change to the state. The positions under the ‘New Position Name’ column links through to the ‘Position Details’ tab.
- Position Details: This is the tab where you can edit and make changes to a specific position.
- Add / Remove New Positions: This tab allows you to add new positions which can then be edited in detail in the ‘Position Details’ tab. This tab will also let you remove any newly created positions that aren’t required. Note: you can’t remove existing positions with this tab – retire existing positions by changing their status in the ‘Position Details’ tab instead.
Step 3- Making changes to your positions
The ‘Position Details’ tab is where you make changes. This tab will also show you all the original information about the position in read-only format.
New Position Type: This allows you to choose a new position type for a given position. For new positions, this defaults to ‘Committee Member (Other Roles)’.
New Position Name: Use this to rename a position or name a new position for the first time. If renaming a position, this must be related to the existing position and cannot be a fundamental change. It shouldn’t be used to change a position to something completely unrelated. If this is your intention, you should instead retire the old position and create a new role.
New Role Description: Provide the details of the duties and responsibilities of the position.
New Quantity Elected: Use this to change the number of people normally elected to this position.
Change Status: Use this field to retire current positions or reactivate inactive positions.
Step 4 - Submit your request!
Once you have completed making changes and are ready to submit the request, use the ‘Commit’ button to send the request to the Management Group for review and approval.