Have you folded paper planes that fly back to you? Have you folded paper frogs, and competed with your friends to see whose jumps the highest? It's time to revisit all those good memories and join us - Origami Soc! You will not only meet new friends who share your interest and collaborate with them on origamis, but also develop special reasoning with the hands-on activities. Join us for a weekly origami session on Wednesday 18:00~19:00, South Kensington Campus, location TBC. Each week we'll pick out an origami piece to fold. You are extremely welcome to share your design, or teach us the origami you love and enjoy. If we don't have a volunteer in some weeks, Tanvi, our chair will be the one sharing her ideas and favourite origamis. Our social events (included but not restricted): picnic, movie night and Origami competitions. You can try two taster sessions without a membership fee. Send us an email for your questions and we wish to see you soon!