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Welcome to German

The German Society is now entering its 30th year of existence -- each year we organise many events such as club nights, pub crawls, outings to German restaurants, movie nights (with subtitles) as well as joint events with German societies from other London universities. We also visit exhibitions and attend lectures related to current political affairs across the city. Our members come from a very diverse background. As well as Austrians, Swiss and Germans spending a year or their entire degree abroad, we have many other students who will or already have spent a year in a German-speaking university and other students who just want to brush up their German. So why should you join? German, Swiss and Austrian students have the chance to escape their unknown surroundings from time to time and talk to like-minded people. Other students will have the opportunity to practise German and experience German culture.

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The committee

Paula Bromkamp

CSP Chair / President

Quentin Wolf

CSP Secretary

Anton Pustygin

CSP Vice Chair / President

Benedikt Brückner

CSP Treasurer

Annika Schmalstieg

Events / Trips Officer

Anton Pustygin

Social Secretary

Titus Zangemeister

Committee Member