
Category: Academic Related
Welcome to FemTech! FemTech is a rapidly booming industry that focuses on research and the creation of products, technology & services that are targeted towards female health. Despite females being nearly half of the world's population, an unbelievably small percentage of industry focuses on catering to female healthcare needs, which is why the rise of the FemTech industry is so greatly important. Over the last few years, awareness of this industry has been rising rapidly with the growth of many start-ups focused on work catering to the unmet needs in female healthcare, ranging from their mental health, menstrual health, maternal health, fertility treatments, period health and many more issues that affect females disproportionately. Our society will be organising many talks by some inspiring speakers who are changing the course of female healthcare research, as well as business heads and influencers who support this field! We will also have many fun social events which will give you the opportunity to network and meet likeminded individuals in this field. Do make sure to become a member and follow our socials to always been updated on our upcoming events!

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 244 current members



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