Drama (ICSM)

Only available to members of Imperial College Union

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Welcome to Drama (ICSM)

Welcome to the Drama family!

From backstage to costumes, acting, writing and directing, ICSM Drama welcomes anyone with an interest in theatre.

This year, we're taking on Arabian Nights by Dominic Cooke for our Autumn performance, and then hitting the stage again in Spring for our Main Production. We also have smaller productions throughout the year like our One-Week-Play (a play we put together and rehearse in just one week!). We even have a play dedicated just to the incoming freshers, ever-so-aptly-titled Freshers Plays, so you can get to know us all!

Even if acting isn't quite up your alley, you can also get involved in our creative, backstage and technical teams! Our production teams work tirelessly behind the scenes, working on lights, sound, costume, make-up, props, advertising and much much more. You'll be sure to find something that fits you!

So come on down to our stall at Freshers Fair to say hello! We can't wait to meet you!

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The committee

Cate Goldwater Breheny

CSP Chair / President

Tejaswini Mohan

CSP Secretary

Rama Aowidah

CSP Treasurer

Amy Long

Communications / Publications Officer

Joseph de Laubenque

Social Secretary

Devni Peramunugamage

Social Secretary

Miranda Jiang

Committee Member

Alexandre Vairon

Committee Member

Hibbeh Al-Obaidi

Committee Member

Charandev Singh Lakhanpal

Committee Member

Ankita Menon

Committee Member

Eve O'Connell

Committee Member

Joseph de Laubenque

Committee Member

Jake Woolley

Committee Member