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Dance - Funkology

Only available to members of Imperial College Union

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Welcome to Dance - Funkology

Funkology is Imperial's sole fusion hip hop dance society which offers classes in hip hop and foundations including breakdancing, popping, locking etc.., catering to every level, from complete beginners to more advanced.

We have two performing dance crews (Novice & Advanced) that actively perform at many events and compete at university competitions. Our advanced dance team has a great track record and have won 2nd place at UK HHI in the Megacrew Category and 2nd place at KCL Just Dance It in advance hip hop last year. And performed at MOVE IT! Our novice team placed first at KCL Just Dance It in intermediate hip hop.

Our classes are taught by our core members and professional dancers/choreographers, many of which continue into the dance industry after leaving Imperial. We also offer opportunities for members to train and perform alongside the crews at Imperial events such as the annual Dance Imperial Show.

If you want to learn from scratch, improve your skills or just try it out, come along to any of our classes, guaranteed to have a good time! We also have a lot of socials where you can make long-lasting super-fun friends at Imperial and join our big Funky family!

Check us out and follow us on YouTube(FuNkoLoGy Dance Company), Instagram (ICUFuNkoLoGy) and Facebook (/FunkologyCrew)!

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The committee

Allison Cheung

CSP Chair / President

Sophie Chau

CSP Secretary

Nana Vanichayangkuranont

CSP Vice Chair / President

Ryan Tan

CSP Treasurer

Belle Mok

Communications / Publications Officer

Yitong Zheng

Committee Member