Canadian Society

Only available to members of Imperial College Union

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Welcome to Canadian Society

Hey buds/Salut les chums!

Missing a cup of good old timmies double-double with timbits? Did someone say poutine? Wanna find out where to get good maple syrup? Eager to bash the U.S on their current political circus? Then join us at the Canadian Society!

We aim to provide a chill place to just hang out with fellow Canadians, Half-Canadians, or anyone who is generally interested in Canadian culture! Throughout the year we will organise a plethora of fun events to celebrate things that we all miss from home, including thanksgiving celebrations (the correct one), Hockey nights and ice skating. We also plan on bringing you a careers talk with various Canadian companies present in London later in the year, inviting big names like Bombardier and RBC.

Renowned for our politeness, we will welcome with open arms anyone who would desire a taste of “the true North”, and of course, if you are Canadian and are feeling homesick, here is the best place to cure it!

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The committee

Tomasz Tomaszewski

CSP Secretary

Emmanuel Lennis-de la Fuente

CSP Treasurer

Emiri Hosokawa

Communications / Publications Officer

Christopher Lau

Events / Trips Officer

Marco Chan

Committee Member

Christopher Lau

Committee Member

Titus Zangemeister

Committee Member

Hannah Seo

Committee Member