Officer Trustee Manifestos

Our promises to you

Read through the manifestos for the current Officer Trustee team - and see how they are performing against their promises to you - our members.

Union President

The landscape of higher education is changing and there are challenges ahead. I have the experience to lead the Union through this change and ensure the best outcomes for all. I currently represent 2000 of you in all aspects of your university life in my role as ICSMSU President. Previously I was ICSM Clubs & Societies Officer and ICSM Treasurer and I have held 16 committee positions across 6 different societies. During my 5 years at Imperial it has been amazing to have met, supported and worked with so many people. I want to use this experience to improve the student experience at Imperial.

This year I have been part of a strong team of ICU sabbatical officers and have first-hand knowledge of the great activities and support the Union offers. I will continue to promote all this. I also want to work towards long term development. Building on the work of this year’s team we can make lasting change to benefit you and students to come.

Specific things I would work to achieve include:

  • Shuttle service to Heston/Harlington on Wednesdays
  • Counselling triage appointments within 10 college days
  • Study skills advice for first years
  • Support for Constituent Unions and Management Groups
  • Staff and sabbatical officer presence at non-SK campuses
  • Advancing the current work on protected Wednesday afternoons for PG students
  • Focusing the ongoing programme to increase external revenue sources to give better value for moneyTrust Experience Trust Chippy Full manifesto: #votechippy

Trust Experience
Trust Chippy

Full manifesto:


Deputy President (Education)

Why Pick Nick to be your next Deputy President (Education)?

Pick Nick for experience: As Academic Affairs Officer for ICSM this year, I have represented the educational needs of hundreds of biomedical and medical students across 13 different subjects. I have introduced new teaching content, worked with College to develop an iBook for students, and most importantly, ensured that student’s opinions are communicated to Faculty. I believe that this year has given me the skills needed to succeed as your Deputy President (Education).

Pick Nick for ideas: Listen. Feedback. Improve:


  • Students should feel empowered to shape their education. I aim to foster two-way relationships between staff and students, so that your views are not just heard, but listened to
  • I will work with College to implement the newly approved “teaching consultants” programme, where students can work with lecturers to improve practise 


  • There are still vast differences in assessment feedback across College
  • I will continue the pursuit of improving feedback quality and timeliness by ensuring the implementation of the traffic light system across College
  • I will ensure that students are consulted during the design, implementation and evaluation of assessment and feedback 


  • Improve communication on education between departments and faculties, so that ‘good practices’ become ‘best practices’
  • Improve the post-graduate education experience, ensuring that College deliver on their pledge to keep Wednesday afternoons free
  • Improve the transparency of mitigating circumstance policy across College by creating clear guidelines for students 

Pick Nick to be your next Deputy President (Education)

Deputy President (Welfare)

The Union and the College are at a critical point in their welfare strategy. You deserve a DPW who is passionate, committed to supporting you, and can negotiate to create a lasting legacy of better service provision. I have the vision, the enthusiasm and the experience to be that officer.


  • Education and Welfare Link: I recognise that education and welfare are inextricably linked. Will work closely with the DP (Education) to solve problems at the source, supporting issues such as support for interruptions of study, among others.
  • Personal Tutors: Work to design a system where access to a good personal tutor is not a lucky dip.
  • Sexual Assault and Consent: Capitalise on current successes; maximise the benefit to students from the HEFCE proposal for active bystander training, more comprehensive sexual violence disclosure guidelines, and sexual violence liaison officers.
  • Campaigning: Follow up on the review of campaigning support. Better support and training for liberation officers. Enable the student body to shape their community. Believe in the power of many small changes.
  • Mental Health: Continue work in frontline training, development of College services, and better mapping of how to get help, in and out of Imperial.
  • Listen to you: Engage you in the process – help you to shape your union. Welfare is diverse – every one of you matters. 


  • CGCU Welfare Officer
  • Working closely under current DPW
  • Union Council voting member
  • Community and Welfare Board voting member
  • Under Pressure Campaign volunteer
  • Sexual health supplies and advice provision
  • Academic Year Rep

Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

Imperial College Union is proud to host over 350 clubs and societies, all run by an incredibly valuable volunteer base - our students - willing to commit so much to ensure their success.

I want not only to represent all of these volunteers, but to also make improvements so that everyone can enjoy their clubs and societies as much as I have.

In my five years at Imperial I have gained experience as a club member, as a club treasurer and in a organisation and development role as Management Group Chair for ICSM.

My experience has given me valuable insight into areas where we do really well and three main areas which I would like to develop (and form a convenient acronym):

  • Training - You say you have felt under-prepared for your volunteer roles, so I will ensure that appropriate training is tailored for all students, allowing you to feel confident in your roles.
  • Openness - You sometimes feel that the Union, College and Sport Imperial are too opaque. I will ensure that all relevant information is released in a way which you are able to understand.
  • Management - You have long complained about minibuses, storage and room bookings. I will review how we manage club amenities to ensure that you are able to get the maximum available. 

For my full manifesto, and to ask questions, visit and don’t forget to find and share my facebook event! Don’t forget to VOTE TOM, GET T.O.M.

Deputy President (Finance & Services)

Hi, I am Matt and I am running to be your DPFS. I am a final year Chemistry and Business School student and as your DPFS I would:


  • Centralised Sponsorship of the Union
  • Life Membership funding directly to CSPs
  • Union minibuses during holidays


  • Increase range and quality of food
  • No above-inflation drink price rises
  • Improve non-SK campus facilities


  • All minibuses to be roadworthy at the start of the year
  • Coach service to Heston and Harlington
  • Centralised club regalia


  • Student involvement in the biggest Union-run events
  • Increased number and quality of part-time Union jobs
  • Continue financial infographic series
  • Promote Imperial Plus

And finally, pre-poured pints at ACC Bar nights!

In my 4 years at Imperial, I have been heavily involved with various clubs & societies holding positions of financial responsibility, including as the ACC Management Group Vice-Chair. Having studied good financial practice in the Business School, I will make sure the Union’s finances are in safe hands. It is these experiences of interacting with every level of the Union, as well as my straight-forward, pragmatic, problem-fixer attitude that will allow me to improve your experience of the Union.

Back a man who will get things done. #BackBlackett