Want to be a rep?

Deputy President (Education)

The nomination period for the Big Elections is open and there are various academic rep positions you can run for. If you want to enact change, improve the education Imperial offers, help communicate changes to your fellow students and develop a whole range of skills while doing so, you should stand for a position via www.union.ic.ac.uk/vote

The changes that have been made possible by past academic reps can be found here and the nomination period closes on Sunday 3 March.


Descriptions of each role

Deputy President (Education)

The DPE sits on top of the representation structure (Year Rep - Dep Rep - Academic Affairs Officer - DPE) so they’re usually directly involved when things that can’t be resolved at lower levels and help distribute academic issues to the wider student population.

In addition to working directly with students on their representation issues, the DPE is also the main contact for College when they are planning to run projects, represents student’s views on College committees and anything else that is academia related.

Faculty Academic Affairs Officer

The AAOs communicate the Departmental Representatives views on Faculty Teaching Committees and represent student’s views on their Faculty’s Quality Assurance Committee.  They also work with their Faculty Union in organising events.  

Departmental Representative

The Dep Rep leads a team of year reps within each department and attends Staff-Student Committee meetings, where they represent their students’ views. They are the main point of contact for the AAO and the DPE, if they wish to know what is happening on the ground.

They may also help their Faculty Union and Departmental Society with any events they run. 


Click here to find out who your academic rep is 




Doug Hunt


Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84