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Voting is now closed. Join us in Metric at 19:00 for the Results Party.
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Every year, four students are appointed to the Board of Trustees of Imperial College Union: two via a rigorous interview and appointment process, and two through democratic election from the entire student body. Student Trustees are expected to bring their insights and their direct student experience to the Board, complementing the expertise of our external members and the full-time capacity of our Officer Trustees.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the most senior governing body of Imperial College Union. It provides the strategic direction and vision of the organisation by ensuring that we are working towards Our Strategy, and verifies that our staff and student leaders are conducting their activities safely and legally. The Board of Trustees approves Imperial College Union's annual budget and examines its financial performance, issuing our Annual Reports.
The membership of the Board of Trustees is a mix of elected students (including the Officer Trustees), appointed students, and trustees drawn from outside of our student body. These 'lay trustees' are selected from industry and academia, for their expertise and experience and their external perspective.
The Board of Trustees meets six times a year, and has four subcommittees: Finance & Risk, Communications, Governance, and Appointments & Remuneration. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees can be found here.
Voting is now closed. Join us in Metric at 19:00 for the Results Party.
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