Planning ahead - the Summer Ball 2015

Deputy President (Finance & Services)

It may seem a way off yet, but to make an event like the Summer Ball a success we need to start planning early. Really early, like 2 weeks after the last summer ball early! And we are definitely well underway with our plans for the 2015 bash. We're taking steps to learn from the successes and failures of last year and to build some exciting new features into the event which we hope will be the best yet. The boring bit is that we've been through a budget for it so we know roughly what we're going to spend and this is scrutinised in exactly the same way at exactly the same level as any club and society event, probably even more closely. The fun bit is that this year we've decided based on the feedback from last year to let you guys choose the theme!

Last year our Alice in Wonderland theme was really well recieved but we thought it shouldn't just be us telling you what to dress up as, you should all get a say. So, based on a shortlist built from suggestions last year and some bright ideas from staff members we have an online poll open now to decide what the theme will be. So far we've had an incredible 731 votes but there is still time to change the result and get your vote in. Currently in a strong lead is James Bond - so if you like a watery martini (Shaken, not Stirred) or the more traditional Bond Beverage - Bourbon then you may be in luck. Personally I'm voting for Moulin Rouge as I love the music and I think I'd make a pretty amusing Jim Broadbent/Harry Zidler. Plus between the French Bohemia, the theatrical eastern visuals and the number of men in Top hat and Tails I think there must be a good costume out there for everyone!

If neither of those take your fancy though currently in 2nd place is Charlie and the Chocolate factory and lower down the order are Hollywood and Vegas themes. So there is plenty to choose from. But, if you think none of this is what you want, remember feedback from the ball itself is used to shortlist themes for next year so make sure you let us know what you want and the 2016 ball could be your perfect party! We'll be announcing the final theme soon so get your votes in fast and then look out for the early-bird tickets which will make you a significant saving over buying last minute or on the door!





Alex Savell



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