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Wednesday 19 July 2017

Starting out at University can be a really daunting experience. For many people they are living in a new city – potentially a foreign country – they don’t know anyone and they don’t know what the next stages of their life will bring.

To help with the transition to University, we ask our members to be parents for incoming students. The Mums & Dads scheme is well-established and many Imperial students have rated the scheme ‘very helpful’ when remembering their first year starting out at Imperial!

This year we are have also introduced an Interruption of Studies Buddy Scheme, offering Mums & Dads volunteers the opportunity to be a buddy for a student within their cohort who is returning after a break from their studies. Having a friendly face in an unfamiliar year group can really help someone settle back into University life!  

Want to get involved? There’s more information about the role and how to sign-up on our Mums & Dads page!


If you have any questions, just get in touch at