Share your PhD supervision story – anonymous and impactful

Tuesday 27 November 2018

The quality of PhD supervision is a hot topic, not only at Imperial College but across the whole UK. Decision-makers across Imperial College are becoming increasingly aware that the quality of supervision is the major predictor of satisfaction and well-being of any PhD student. Together with the Imperial College Union, the College administration works hard in improving the supervision and the welfare system for students with problems.


There are many great supervisor-student relationships out there. But some are not so pleasant, causing stress and mental health issues. Severe cases of bullying and sexual harassment continue happening at most British academic institutions, as frequently reported by the Guardian.


Together with the Imperial College Newspaper Felix, the Graduate Student Union (GSU) created a platform where supervision stories can be shared anonymously. Show others how supervision can work well. Tell the story of how you found support in the College welfare system when you had a problem. Or help us to point out where the system failed to give the response you wished for, or where fear and frustration stop you from taking action. 


The GSU will make sure that your stories are published fully anonymous and depersonalised in the College Newspaper Felix. Once a month, Felix will publish two diverse supervision stories. Be one of the first to share yours and help the GSU in making the systematic improvements our students need.


Submit your 300-400 words story to the GSU via this google form