
Edinburgh Tour 2024

- This product is for our 2024 tour to Edinburgh - First-come-first-serve. - We will be travelling up to Edinburgh on the morning of the 31st of Aug (meeting in Edinburgh at 2pm. Travel home will be throughout the 3rd of September. - INDIVIDUALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THERE OWN WAY TO AND FROM EDINBURGH - NO TRANSPORT IS PROVIDED BY WIND BAND. - This product pays for the ENTIRE tour - no additional payments. - Accommodation will be at UoE for the duration of the trip + breakfast provided - Ticket covers accommodation + a group meal out together. - If you cannot currently pay for tour, but would still like to come, please contact James at and a spot can be reserved for you. - In the event of tour being cancelled a full refund will be issued. If you sign up and then find you can no longer attend, we cannot guarantee a refund. - Itinerary will be as follows: on the 31st of Aug, we will rehearse 2-6pm at St Columba's by the Castle. On the 1st of Sept we will play an informal bandstand concert at Saughton Park, and have a group meal together in the evening. 2nd of Sept will will rehearse and then perform in St Mary's Cathedral. 3rd of Sept we will check out of our accomodation, tour will end.

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This product is sold by a Club, Society, or Project. For further information about how this product is fulfilled or for any enquiries relating to this product please contact the relevant group or Union Reception

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1 in stock